Izindaba Zenkampani
Izingxenye ezisele ze-Komatsu zilethwe e-Russia Usuku: 2023.6.29
Kuleli sonto sithumele izingxenye eziyisipele zebhokisi elilodwa lemishini yeKomatsu eRussia.Izingxenye ze-Komatsu ezisele zinokuthengiswa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba zinezici eziningi, ezifana nekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.Izingxenye zemishini ye-Komatsu ye-vario...Funda kabanzi -
Izingxenye ezisele ze-Komatsu zilethwe eRussia
Kuleli sonto sithumele izingxenye eziyisipele zebhokisi elilodwa lemishini yeKomatsu eRussia.Izingxenye ze-Komatsu ezisele zinokuthengiswa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba zinezici eziningi, ezifana nekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.Izingxenye zemishini ye-Komatsu yezinhlobo ezahlukene...Funda kabanzi -
XCMG crane izingxenye ezisele zilethwe Philippines
Kuleli sonto sithumele izingxenye eziyisipele zekhathoni elilodwa le-XCMG crane e-Philippines.Izingxenye ezisele ze-XCMG zinokuthengisa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba zinezici eziningi, njengokuthi zinekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.XCMG izingxenye imishini izinhlobo ezihlukahlukene ...Funda kabanzi -
Izingxenye ezisele ze-Liugong motor grader zilethwa e-Colombia
Kuleli sonto sithumele izingxenye eziyisipele zekhathoni elilodwa le-Liugong motor grader e-Colombia.Izingxenye eziyisipele ze-Liugong zinokudayiswa okushisayo ekhaya naphesheya, ngoba zinezici eziningi, njengekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.Izingxenye zemishini ye-Liugong yezinhlobonhlobo...Funda kabanzi -
I-XCMG wheel loader ZL50GN ilethwe e-Algeria Usuku: 2023.6.7
Kuleli sonto sithumele isilayishi sesondo esisodwa i-ZL50GN e-Algeria.I-XCMG wheel loader inokuthengisa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba inezici eziningi, ezifana nekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.XCMG isondo Loader ZL50GN imodeli ethandwa kakhulu China 5t...Funda kabanzi -
Izingxenye ezisele zokulayishwa kwamasondo e-Caterpillar zilethwe e-Oman Usuku: 2023.6.7
Kuleli sonto sithumele izingxenye eziyisipele zekhathoni elilodwa le-caterpillar wheel loader e-Oman.Izingxenye ezisele ze-Caterpillar zinokudayiswa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba zinezici eziningi, njengekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.Izingxenye zemishini yamacimbi...Funda kabanzi -
Izingxenye ezisele zerola zomgwaqo ze-XCMG zilethwe eTanzania Usuku: 2023.5.30
Kuleli sonto sithumele izingxenye ezisele zebhokisi elilodwa le-roller yomgwaqo eya eTanzania XCMG izingxenye ezisele ze-roller zomgwaqo zinokudayiswa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba zinezici eziningi, njengekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.Izingxenye zemishini ye-XCMG zezihlobo ezihlukahlukene ...Funda kabanzi -
I-XCMG motor grader GR2003 ilethwa eHong Kong Usuku: 2023.5.30
Kuleli sonto sithumele i-motor grader GR2003 e-Hong Kong.I-XCMG motor grader inokuthengisa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba inezici eziningi, ezifana nekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.I-GR2003 isebenzisa ulayini wokudlulisa injini enesivinini esiphansi, i-specifi ephansi...Funda kabanzi -
Izingxenye eziyisipele ze-XCMG Wheel Loader Zilethwe e-France
XCMG products are very popular in China and foreign market,especially the loader,so the spare parts with the robust quality to be our best seller. Our 24 hours hotline for sales and after service, 0086 18068706925. The email account is:manager002@chengongmachinery.com ...Funda kabanzi -
Izingxenye eziyisipele ze-XCMG zokulayishwa kwamasondo zilethwe eNingizimu Afrika
This week we exported XCMG spare parts for wheel loader to India.Our 24 hours hotline for sales and after service, 0086 18068706925. The email account is:manager002@chengongmachinery.com Details: Part name: Bucket Tooth Part Number: 252101813 Part...Funda kabanzi -
I-XCMG wheel loader ZL50GN ilethwe eSomalia
I-XCMG wheel loader inokuthengisa okushisayo ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe, ngoba inezici eziningi, ezifana nekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo enengqondo nokunye.I-XCMG wheel loader ZL50GN iyimodeli edume kakhulu ye-China 5t wheel loader, Manje i-ZL50GN ithuthukela kumodeli entsha ye-ZL50GV ...Funda kabanzi -
I-Liugong Motor Grader Spare Parts Zilethwe e-Columbia Usuku: 2023.5.16
Kuleli sonto sithumele izingxenye eziyisipele ze-Liugong motor grader e-Columbia.I-Liugong iyibhizinisi lomhlaba wonke elinemibono emisha eqhubekayo, ikakhulukazi esebenza emishinini yokwakha, imishini yezolimo, njll. ILiugong idayisa okushisayo ekhaya naphesheya, ngakho izingxenye ezisele ziyi ...Funda kabanzi